Banner Life’s AppAssist
Banner Life’s AppAssist® program is designed to make it easy for you to facilitate the sale of high-quality, low-cost life insurance. This is a good option for straightforward, smaller term cases without complex medical histories.
AG Quick Ticket
AG QuickTicket streamlines the application process and improves your productivity time.
Accelerated Underwriting
John Hancock EXPRESSTRACK / Express Track Reference Guide / AU Overview
There will be NO Paramed visit. John Hancock conducts a Telephone Interview, MIB, MVR and Rx Check. Underwriter reviews and decision can be reached in as little as 3 days. If applicant doesn’t qualify for EXRESSTRACK, traditional underwriting can be implemented.
Lincoln Financial – Term Accel /Term Accel
From Table B to PF – only a Paramed, Telephone Interview, MIB, MVR and RX check – no APS. PF Best offers will have neither a Paramed or APS. On-line app required – 5 pages.
American General /Max Accumulator IUL
No Paramed, APS or Labs on this permanent product – issue up to age 50 with a maximum death benefit of $499,999.
MERIT has other carriers with Accelerated Underwriting – call!